UPDATE: As of April 21st, The Sanctuary leadership has decided to continue pausing our regular Sanctuary-sponsored events until our local town & state government deems it safe to re-open. We wrestled with this decision this morning at out leadership meeting. We want to be open beacons of God’s boundless love. We also want to help protect people. After prayerful consideration, The Sanctuary at Woodville has decided in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that we will be pausing our regular Sanctuary-sponsored events through May 1st and will re-evaluate at that time. We will continue to be available to those in our community who have needs — be it prayer, spiritual direction or otherwise — as we are able. As social distancing increases, the coming days and weeks present an opportunity to set apart time for yourself to listen to God and pray. We encourage you all to do so, as we will be doing so ourselves.
Thank you, and may God guide us all forward. The Lord reigns. —Laurel, Elizabeth, Bill & Gethin at The Sanctuary. P.S. We welcome you to contact Rev. Dr. Laurel G. Coolbaugh ([email protected]) with your Sanctuary and pastoral requests.
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March 2023