Our flower seedlings fundraiser for the 2021 spring and summer season has concluded. Thank you for your support! Please check back in spring of 2022 for new seedlings!
We offer seedlings for a donation. The Sanctuary is all about experiencing new spiritual life and now, as a reminder, we have a piece of creation -- life! -- to add to that. Last year, we grew seedlings as a trial run -- and we received overwhelming support and sold them all out -- thank you for a successful fundraiser!
We offer seedlings for a donation. The Sanctuary is all about experiencing new spiritual life and now, as a reminder, we have a piece of creation -- life! -- to add to that. Last year, we grew seedlings as a trial run -- and we received overwhelming support and sold them all out -- thank you for a successful fundraiser!
Our seedling offerings typically include:
Suggested donations: $5 for two six packs of flowers.
Reserve your seedlings below and donate using the PayPal button!
- Six packs of Sweet peas.
- Six packs of Morning glories.
- Six packs of Zinnias.
- Six packs of Cosmos.
- Six packs of Marigolds.
- Six packs of Tithonia (?).
- Tell us what you'd like to order of these offerings, and how many, and we will contact you when ready!
Suggested donations: $5 for two six packs of flowers.
Reserve your seedlings below and donate using the PayPal button!