Membership in eNE

Mission and Agreements: epiphany New England is a welcoming community of Christian spiritual directors. We gather occasionally for quiet days, to connect, be inspired, share and reflect. Members of eNE comply with the following membership requirements:
If you agree with our mission and core tenets and would like to become a member, please submit a brief 60-90 word bio and jpeg photo for the directory to [email protected]. Your check for $30 annual dues (or $15 if you renew by Nov. 15, 2021!) may be paid online through our partnership with The Sanctuary at Woodville via PayPal. Please select the $30 option if you are a new member or the $15 option if you are renewing before Nov. 15, 2021. If you prefer to write a check, please contact Leslea Linebarger ([email protected]) for mailing address. Otherwise, use the PayPal button below.
- Agree with our faith statement and mission statement
- Have completed at least one year of a spiritual direction training program or mentorship
- Are currently receiving individual spiritual direction
- Are currently under supervision
- Contribute $30 annual dues to support the ministry of eNE (or, if you renew your membership by Nov. 15, 2021, the cost is only $15. See below...)
If you agree with our mission and core tenets and would like to become a member, please submit a brief 60-90 word bio and jpeg photo for the directory to [email protected]. Your check for $30 annual dues (or $15 if you renew by Nov. 15, 2021!) may be paid online through our partnership with The Sanctuary at Woodville via PayPal. Please select the $30 option if you are a new member or the $15 option if you are renewing before Nov. 15, 2021. If you prefer to write a check, please contact Leslea Linebarger ([email protected]) for mailing address. Otherwise, use the PayPal button below.
eNE Guidance Team Members:
Brian Barclay, [email protected] / Jennifer Drummond, [email protected] /
Laurel Coolbaugh, [email protected] /
Leslea Linebarger, [email protected]
Brian Barclay, [email protected] / Jennifer Drummond, [email protected] /
Laurel Coolbaugh, [email protected] /
Leslea Linebarger, [email protected]